Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

177 videos, 8 hours and 35 minutes

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Improvised tourniquets for dogs

Video 68 of 177
4 min 8 sec
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How to Apply an Improvised Tourniquet for Pet First Aid

Understanding Tourniquets for Pets

In cases of catastrophic bleeding in pets, an improvised tourniquet can be a lifesaver:

  • Importance of Quick Action: Immediate attention is crucial to stop severe bleeding and prevent further harm.
  • Use of Improvised Tourniquet: Improvised tourniquets can effectively stop bleeding in emergency situations.

Materials Needed

Basic materials required to create an improvised tourniquet:

  • Triangular bandage or any suitable cloth
  • Securing device (e.g., knife, screwdriver)

Step-by-Step Procedure

Follow these steps to apply an improvised tourniquet:

  1. Create a Broad Fold Bandage: Roll up a cloth to form a wide bandage, ensuring it's not too narrow.
  2. Tie a Half Knot: Secure the bandage tightly around the affected limb with a half knot.
  3. Secure the Windlass: Use a suitable object (e.g., knife) as a windlass and secure it over the bandage.
  4. Wind Around: Wind the cloth around the limb tightly to stop the bleeding.
  5. Secure in Place: Tie off the end of the bandage to hold it securely in place.

Precautions and Considerations

Important points to keep in mind when applying an improvised tourniquet:

  • Monitor Tightness: Regularly check the tightness of the tourniquet to ensure it's effective without causing excessive discomfort.
  • Leave It On: Once applied, do not remove the tourniquet until veterinary assistance is available.
  • Record Time: Note the time the tourniquet was applied, which can aid the vet in assessing the situation.

Applicability to Human First Aid

The same principles of applying an improvised tourniquet can be used for humans in emergency situations.