Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

177 videos, 8 hours and 35 minutes

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Bandaging the Body

Video 104 of 177
1 min 28 sec
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Bandaging Tips for Pet Injuries: Effective Techniques

Challenges of Bandaging

Bandaging pets, especially larger breeds like Labradors, can pose challenges:

  • Size Considerations: Smaller animals, such as cats or small breed dogs, may require special attention due to their size.
  • Slipping Risk: Even with smaller animals, bandages have a tendency to slip, requiring careful application.

First Aid Kit Solutions

Having a pet first aid kit can offer solutions for immediate care:

  • Initial Bleeding: Prioritize stopping bleeding by applying pressure or using a spray-on plaster.
  • Spray-On Plaster: Effective alternative to bandages, especially for wounds prone to slipping.
  • Vet Wrap: While not as durable, vet wrap can serve as a temporary solution until veterinary assistance is available.

Challenges of Body Bandaging

Bandaging wounds on the body, particularly on the sides, presents specific challenges:

  • Complexity: Body bandages are intricate and prone to becoming dislodged.
  • Maintaining Cleanliness: Keeping wounds clean and preventing licking or chewing is paramount for healing.

Preventing Further Injury

Key considerations to prevent worsening of injuries:

  • Attention Management: Ensure the pet does not excessively lick or chew at the injury site to avoid infection.