Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

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The Pregnant Cat

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4 min 8 sec
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Caring for a Pregnant Cat: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Introduction to a Pregnant Cat

Disclaimer: We do not endorse breeding cats, but we offer guidance on caring for a pregnant cat if the situation arises unexpectedly.

Pregnancy Duration: Cats are pregnant for approximately nine weeks or roughly 63 days.

Nutrition During Pregnancy

Maintaining Regular Diet: Continue feeding your cat the same diet during pregnancy unless her appetite naturally increases in the last few weeks.

Post-Birth Nourishment: After giving birth, provide your cat with as much high-quality food as she wants to ensure proper nourishment for the kittens.

Preparing for Birth

Quiet Nesting Space: About two weeks before birth, find a quiet, secluded area where your cat can create a nest. She'll prefer a dark and peaceful environment, like a spare bedroom.

Never Leave Alone: While most cats give birth without issues, never leave your cat alone during labour. Be prepared to seek veterinary assistance in case of complications.

Post-Birth Care

Provide Essentials: Ensure your cat has fresh water, clean bedding, and access to food. Monitor her closely to ensure she remains alert and healthy.

Respect Her Space: Some cats may be sensitive about handling their kittens initially. Avoid unnecessary interference, especially in the first few days after birth.

Kitten Development

Mom's Timing: Mother cats typically allow kittens out of the nest at around four weeks of age. This is when she introduces them to water and begins litter training.

Handling Kittens: During the first week, limit handling of the kittens, allowing the mother to care for them. Gradually increase interaction as they grow.

Placement in Forever Homes

Long-Term Commitment: Remember that cats can live 15 to 20 years, so ensure you find loving and permanent homes for the kittens you place.